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Boku no Hero Academia Spoilers & RAW Chapter 255

CH# 254
CH# 256
No. 255: Aspiring Hero Prison Guard: There's an abnormality in the shape of his brain waves. Gran Torino: What does that mean? Prison Guard: He's feeling agitated/disturbed. The mist of Kurogiri's face area moves violently. Tsukauchi calls to Aizawa through the mic and asks him to try and figure out the manufacturer of the Nomu and where Shigaraki is. Aizawa thinks to himself, even if it's true, the thing I see in front of me now just used to be my friend. It's Shirakumo's corpse. There's no way he'll come back. Aizawa remembers them eating together during their school days. He stands up from his chair and says "Who changed you! Did they mess with your brain? Did you feel nothing when attacking UA?" Kurogiri replies "Wh... what... are... you... talking about" Mic watches over Aizawa as he continues. "Answer me Shirakumo!" Kurogiri replies "I am Kurogiri. He who watches over Shigaraki." Aizawa yells back "You're U.A. High School Class 2-A, an aspiring hero like I was..." And both Aizawa and Mic say "Oboro Shirakumo!" Kurogiri's mist wipes off half his face and you can see the shape of Shirakumo's face and he looks like he's going to say something. Aizawa pounds on the glass between them yelling "You can do it!" and remembers their days as students. "If the three of us are together, 2 of us can always cover for the other if he makes a mistake!" he remembers. Kurogiri says "Hospital" and the mist floats up as he faints. The meeting is over, and Aizawa apologies for not being able to learn any details. Tsukauchi gives them a handshake for their work and they say goodbye. Later he tells the Hero Association about Kurogiri. We then change locations to the PLF mansion. Twice is explaining the ideals of the PLF to Hawks on a whiteboard. A (probably encrypted) message comes in on their cellphone "The young cloud is causing trouble at the hospital, please help". Hawks just says "I'm busy so I'll pass" and throws his cellphone on the couch. Twice is like "What was that about?" and Hawks pretends to be clueless saying they were asking him for help. Hawks thinks to himself "Hospital, the pieces are coming together!" Then we see the inside of some hospital. Shigaraki is covered in cords from head to foot. Ujiko watches him from behind glass, "The most amazing person, the masterpiece that AFO and I always wanted! You're doing well Shigaraki! This is going better than planned!" Original No.ヒーロー志望 看守「脳波波形に異常あり」 グラントリノ「つまり?」 看守「動揺しています」 黒霧の顔部分のモヤが揺らめき激しく動く 塚内が通信マイクで相澤に 「脳無の製造元!死柄木の居場所を」と聞くように伝える 相澤(事実だとして、目の前にいるのは白雲だったモノ。友の遺体。還ってくるわけでもないのに) 3人で一緒に飯を食う学生時代が思い浮かぶ。相澤が椅子から立ち上がり、 相澤「誰がおまえを変えた!?どこで脳みそいじられた?雄英襲撃、何も感じなかったのか」 黒霧「さっ 先刻から  何  を仰って い るのか」 グッと食いしばり見守るマイク 相澤「答えろ白雲!」 黒霧「私は黒霧。死柄木弔を守るもの」 相澤「おまえは雄英高校2年A組、俺達とヒーローを志した ー 相澤&マイク「白雲朧!」 黒霧のモヤ顔半分がボワっと人の、白雲の面影がある形になり、言葉をはなしそうになった 相澤が二人を区切るガラスを叩き「頑張れ」 学生時代の3人(ほら3人いればさ誰かがミスっても残りの2人がカバーしてくれるし) 黒霧「病院」 黒霧のモヤが上に吹き上がり、気を失った 面会が終わり、具体的な話が聞けず申し訳無いと相澤、二人を労う塚内は握手をし別れた後ヒーロー協会に黒霧の証言を伝えた 所変わって解放戦線邸 トゥワイスに解放軍の思想やなどを、ホワイトボードで教えているホークス そこに(多分暗号で)スマホに連絡が入る 「若雲病院にて暴漢が暴れています救援頼む」 ホークス「忙しいんで俺パスで」スマホをポーイとソファーに投げ捨てる トゥワイスは何だ?と聞くが、「頼られちゃってるんですわー」とシラを切る ホークス(病院、ピースが揃った!) どこかの病院内 頭から足までコードで繋がれ改造を施され、仰反る死柄木。 ガラス越しに見ている氏子「私とAFOが求めた究極の人、マスターピース!いいぞ!死柄木弔!万事順調想定以上じゃ!」

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Boku no Hero Academia Spoilers & RAW Chapter 255

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